Following rubrics found in Kent's Repertory about epilepsy:
MIND, DELIRIUM; epilepsy, during : Op.
-after : Arg-m., plb.
MIND, delusions, epilepsy, fancies he has : Atro.
MIND, dullness, epilepsy, before : Caust.
MIND, excitement, epilepsy, before : Art-v.
MIND, fear, epilepsy : Alum., arg-n.
-in the morning : Alum.
MIND ,FOOLISH behavior epilepsy, before : Caust.
MIND,FORGETFUL epilepsy, before : Caust.
MIND,IDIOCY, idiotic actions : epilepsy, before : Caust.
MIND, IMBECILITY, epilepsy, before : Caust.
MIND, RAGE, epilepsy, after : Arg-m.
-with : Bell., cupr., hyos., nux-v., op., plb.
MIND unconsciousness, epilepsy, after : Bufo., Op., plb.
Vertigo; EPILEPSY, before : Ars., calc-ar., caust., Hyos., lach., plb., sulph., tarent
Vertigo; EPILEPTIC : Apis., art-v., bufo., calc-ar., calc-s., caust., crot-h., cur., ign.,
nat-m., nux-m., plb., sil., thuj., visc.
Head, congestion, epilepsy, before : Calc-ar.
Head, heat, epilepsy, before : Caust.
Head, pain, epileptic attacks, after : Caust., cina., cupr.
Head, perspiration, scalp, epilepsy, before : Caust.
Head, TREMBLING sensation : epilepsy, before : Caust.
EYE,PROTRUSION; epileptic attack during: hyos.
EYE,TWITCHING lids :epileptic convulsions, before: agar.
Vision, sparks, epileptic fit, before : Hyos.
Ear, NOISES, epilepsy, after : Caust.
Ear, NOISES, hissing : epilepsy, after : Caust.
Ear, NOISES, buzzing, epilepsy, after : Caust.
Ear, NOISES, ringing, epileptic fit, before : Hyos.
Ear, NOISES, roaring, epilepsy, after : Caust.
FACE; CHEWING motion of the jaw;epilepsy, before an attack : Calc.
TEETH; GRINDING; epilepsy : Bufo., Hyos., sulph., tarent.
Stomach, APPETITE, ravenous, eating, after, soon; epilepsy, before : Calc., Hyos.
Stomach , emptiness, epilepsy, before : Hyos.
Stomach , RETCHING, epilepsy, before : Cupr.
Abdomen, distension, epileptic attack, before : Cupr., lach.
Urine, copious, epilepsy, after : Cupr.
Larynx and trachea, VOICE, lost, epilepsy, before : Calc-ar.
Chest, anxiety, Heart, epilepsy, with : Lyc.
Chest, constriction, Heart;epilepsy, before : Calc-ar., lach.
Chest, palpitation heart, epilepsy, before : Ars., calc-ar., calc., cupr., lach.
Extremities, CLENCHING ;epileptic convulsion : Lach., mag-p., oena.
Extremities, coldness, shoulder; epilepsy, in : Caust.
Extremities, contraction, fingers, epilepsy : Lach., mag-p., merc.
Extremities, CONVULSION; Upper limbs : epileptic, starting from : Sulph.
Extremities, coldness, foot,epileptic attack; before: lach.
Extremities, jerking, Fingers; epilepsy : Cic.
Extremities, MOUSE, upper limbs : before epilepsy : Bell., Sulph.
Extremities, NUMBNESS; Upper limbs; epilepsy, between attacks : Cupr.
Extremities, NUMBNESS; Fingers; epileptic, during : Cupr.
Extremities, pain, upper limbs, left : epilepsy, before : Calc-ar.
Extremities, pain, upper limbs, epileptic, before : Calc-ar.
Extremities, pain, upper limbs, Hand; epileptic fit, before (left) : Calc-ar.
Extremities, pain, drawing, upper arm, epilepsy, before : Cupr.
Extremities, stiffness, Upper limbs ;epilepsy, before : Bufo.
-Lower limbs; epilepsy, before : Bufo.
Extremities, STRETCHED OUT; Leg : epilepsy, before : Bufo.
Extremities, trembling, Upper limbs; epilepsy, before : Sil.
Extremities, twitching, Hand ; epilepsy in: stann.
Chill, EPILEPSY, after : Calc., Cupr., sulph.
Chill, SIDES, one-sided, left; before epilepsy : Sil.
Generalities, convulsions,epileptic : Arg-m., Arg-n., Bar-m., Bufo., Calc-ar,Caust., Cupr., Hyos., Oena., Plb.., Sil., Sulph., Visc.
-aura, abdomen to head, with : Indg.
-arms, in : Calc., lach., sulph.
-cold air over spine and body : Agar.
-coldness running down spine : Ars.
-on left side before epilepsy : Sil.
-drawing in limbs : Ars.
-expansion of body, sensation of, before : Arg-n.
-general nervous feeling : Arg-n., nat-m.
-heart, from : Calc-ar., lach., naja.
-heel to occiput, right : Stram.
-jerk in nape : Bufo.
-knees : Cupr.
-mouse, running like a : Bell., Calc., ign., nit-ac., sil., sulph.
-numbness of brain : Bufo.
-shocks : Ars., laur.
-solar plexus, from : Art-v., bell., bufo., calc., caust., Cic., cupr., indg., Nux-v., sil., Sulph.
-uterus : Bufo.
-uterus to throat : Lach.
-warm air streaming up spine : Ars.
-waving sensation in brain : Cimic.
Epileptiform : Agar., Arg-n., Bell., Calc., Caust., Cic., Cina., Cupr., Glon., Hyos., Plb.,., Stram.,
Sulph., Visc.
From the above repertorial result i am on the conclusion that the CAUSTICUM is the most suited medicine for an epilepsy in it associated with MIND AND HEAD symptoms.
CUPRUM MET. is the medicine for epilepsy when it is associated with symptoms of an extremities.

Reperotrial Answer to an Epilepsy
Posted by Dr. Sandeep Anwane at 6:37 AM 0 comments
homeopathic treatment of an epilepsy
Congestion of the cerebral meninges and the medulla ane even produces a fibrinous exudates under duramater.
Epilepsy followed by obtuse state of the mind.
Epilepsy after fright and when numerous attacks follow one another rapidly.
Argentum nitricum:
For days or hours before an attack the pupils are dilated.
After the attack, the patient is very restless and has trembling of the hands.
Epilepsy during menstruation.
Arsenicum album:
Before the attack the patient has spells of vertigo and intense aching in the occiput.Great anguish and restlessness.
Changes place continually. Fears, of death, of being left alone. Great fear, with cold sweat.
Thinks it useless to take medicine.Its general symptoms often alone lead to its successful application.
Among these the all-prevailing debility, exhaustion, and restlessness, with nightly aggravation, are most important.
Cicuta virosa:
Cuprum metallicum:
Hydrocyanic acid:Hyoscyamus:
Posted by Dr. Sandeep Anwane at 6:37 AM 1 comments